Keegle is my comic strip character. He developed from a doodle on my college locker door and a dream of, as I may have mentioned, becoming the next Charles Schultz. When I left my last job as a creative director many years ago, I took a kick at the syndicated cartoon can and submitted a month’s worth of strips to eight newspaper syndicates. Five ignored me. One sent me a refusal. And the last two refused me but with very positive feedback. And then I ran and hid in the shadows of Broden Creative, illustrating products, designing logos and writing ads. Still, I would love to one day become a tiny Breathed or Pastis. A pity that newspapers are dying. So for now, here are the month of strips I sent out and when the mood strikes, a few new ones. If anyone out there finds it funny and owns a newspaper with a national readership or a syndicated blog in need of humor, please give me a call.