“It is much more comfortable to be mad and know it than to be sane and have one’s doubts.”
G. B. Burgin
I thought of having a friend write this exercise in vanity but the inevitable derogatory language might get me a PG 13 rating. Not to mention, Darby Conley has never heard of me and is certainly too busy in any case. So I guess it’s up to me.
I used to work as a creative director in a design studio. The entire job can be summed up as coming up with new, stimulating and visually challenging ways to kill trees. I keep all the lost hair in a Ziploc at the back of my file cabinet. Proudly, I haven’t had to sell tobacco yet though I really did have to illustrate Jay “the Juiceman” Kordich once. Alas, the scales remain balanced. As a note of interest, Jay’s eyebrows, on a sunny day, look as though they have caught fire.
I am married to a very smart and beautiful woman whose patience with my nonsense knows no bounds and I love her for it. As for the strip, it has been kicking at me to be free for many, years now. Like the released orca Willy, I must now gather my remaining courage and find my own plankton (so to speak). Working for myself has many perks. Any stress I endure is created by my own hand. Trust me, it’s a whole lot better than eating other people’s stress. I do hope you like Keegle enough to return occasionally. I am relatively unaware of the works of British author G.B.Burgin but I like his quote. Until next time.
Your friendly neighborhood comic artist wannabe,
Jim Broden